Regresamos con un viaje por diferentes paisajes. Nos centraremos en los paisajes de interior y del litoral.
1. En el siguiente vídeo, ¿ reconoces una llanura, un río en un bosque, una catarata, una llanura con alces y un bisonte, un lago, una montaña?
1. Can you see the plain, the river in the forest, the waterfall, some elks and a bison on the plain, the mountain and the lake?

1. Visita los acantilados de Irlanda.
2. Visita la Isla de los monos.
3. Encuentra medusas entre las algas del fondo del mar
1. Visit the Irish cliffs.
2. Visit Monkey Island.
3. Find the jellyfish among the seaweeds at the bottom of the sea.
Animals: crab, dolphin, fish, starfish, spider, squirrel, octopus, jellyfish, fox, owl.
Places: On the beach, in the countryside/forest, in the sea. 1. Where do crabs live?
- They live on the beach.
2. Where do dolphins live?
Where do fish live?
Where do starfish live?
Where do octopuses live?
Where do jellyfish live?
- They live in the sea
3. Where do squirrels live?
Where do foxes live?
Where do owls live?
Where do spiders live?
- They live in the countryside/forest