miércoles, 25 de septiembre de 2013


YEAR 2. 

Una de las estrategias que vamos a aprender este año es describir imágenes. Atención, porque a continuación hay una serie de preguntas. Elige las respuestas correctas y consigue los 8 puntos. 

Are you ready?

Tell me about this picture.
1.  There are some children rock climbing.
2.  There are some children riding their bikes.
3. There are some children swimming in the pool.

How many children can you see?
1. There are three children.
2. There are seven children.

Where are they?
1. They are at school.
2. They are at home.
3. They are in the forest.

What are they doing?
1. They are kicking a ball.
2. They are rock climbing.
3. They are running.

Are they sleeping?
1. No, they aren´t
2. Yes they are.

What are they wearing on their heads?
1. They are wearing helmets.
2. They are wearing hats.
3. They are wearing caps.

Is Max wearing glasses?
1. Yes, he is.
2. No, he isn´t

What is Suzy wearing?
1. She is wearing a blue t-shirt and red shoes.
2. She is wearing a yellow t-shirt and white shoes.
3. She is wearing a yellow t-shirt and and red shoes.
Answer keys:
1.  There are some children rock climbing.
2. There are seven children.
3. They are in the forest.
2. They are rock climbing.
1. No, they aren´t.
1. They are wearing helmets.
1. Yes, he is.
3. She is wearing a yellow t-shirt and red shoes. 

domingo, 22 de septiembre de 2013

Welcome to Year 3!

Estrenamos nuevo curso cargados de energías. Este curso podremos disfrutar del primer tercero bilingüe de la historia del CEIP Fuente Santa. En el blog, en la pestaña de 3º PRIMARIA, podrás acceder a todos los contenidos publicados y dirigidos a Year 3.

Para empezar con buen pie, tenemos este tema de Intro que solemos poner para despertar por la mañana en ENGLISH:

En Science hemos empezado repasando living thins and non-living things:

Incluso el famosísimo Cookie Monster nos ayuda en esta tarea ;)

Have Fun!
The Team

viernes, 20 de septiembre de 2013

domingo, 15 de septiembre de 2013



Comenzamos conociéndonos un poco más. Hablando de nosotros mismos. Cuéntanos sobre ti. 


Have fun!