martes, 22 de enero de 2013

Yummy food songs


Aquí llega un carrito de canciones sobre la comida para todos los niños y niñas de 1º hambientros de música, juegos y dibujos en inglés. Que lo disfrutéis.

- Supermarket song.
- I can eat a lot

- I like food

- Do you like ...?

Let´s make a salad

- Let´s go to market: fruit song.

- Where did you find that cookie?


- Gogo: What do you like?

- Gogo: Do you like sausages?

e-book: The big carrot

The big carrot (storyteller)

Vocabulary lists.

- Vocabulary: vegetables
- I. Vocabulary (slow words)
- II. Game. Listen and pick the right one.
- III. Game. What is this?
- IV. Game. Read the word.
- V. Game. Pick the word.
- Vocabulary (quick words)
- Vocabulary: quick words + adjectives. (Pasa el vídeo hasta el min. 1:00)
- Vocabulary (real pictures)

Have fun!

The Team.

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