domingo, 24 de noviembre de 2013




Tell me about this picture. Where are they?

a) They are in the park.
b) They are in the forest.
c) They are in the grassland.

What is the eagle doing? 

a) It is swimming. 
b) It is flying.
c) It is walking.

What are the monkeys doing?

a) They are drinking water.
b) They are sitting on a tree branch.
c) They are eating grass.

What are the zebras doing?

a) They are eating grass and drinking water. 
b) They are sleeping.
c) They are drinking grass and eating water.

What animals are swimming in the river?

a) Lions are swimming in the river.
b) Hippos are swimming in the river.
c) Flamingos are swimming in the river.

What animal has got a long beak, long legs and wings?

a) The eagle.
b) The flamingo.
c) The elephant.

What animal has got four legs, a long trunk and big ears?

a) The lion.
b) The chameleon.
c) The elephant.

Choose the sentence that best describes the zebra: 

a) It has got no legs and green skin.
b) It has got black and white fur and a tail. 
c) It has got a long neck and brown and yellow fur. 


Answer keys: 

c) They are in the grassland.

b) It is flying.

b) They are sitting on a tree branch.

a) They are eating grass and drinking water. 

b) Hippos are swimming in the river.

b) The flamingo.

c) The elephant.

b) It has got black and white fur and a tail. 


* Now watch these videos:

 Grassland animals

Have fun!

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